After receiving a devastating phone call, alumnus Chad Silver (‘11) knew that he had to act quickly. He was told that his friend since third grade, alumnus Brian Levitas (‘11), was diagnosed with lymphoma.
According to Silver, Levitas was at Silver’s apartment in Indiana three weeks prior and complained about a swollen feeling in his neck. Silver said he assumed Levitas had mononucleosis and told him to go to the doctor. Two weeks later, Levitas returned home to Northbrook diagnosed with lymphoma.
Because of this diagnosis, Silver said he wanted to create a fundraiser with his friend Logan Weisberg, Indiana University at Bloomington student. Together they decided to raise cancer awareness and money by participating in “No Shave November.” For the entire month of November, Silver and other participants set aside their razors in hopes of showing support for Levitas, as well as collecting funds for lymphoma research.
Through a fundraising website called (,) Silver and Weisberg created a page for friends and family to donate to the Lymphoma Research Foundation. Silver said the “No Shave November” team raised over $40,000 in one week, through social media and with the help of family and friends.
“Even though my beard looks like a scarecrow, I can walk up to somebody and if they acknowledge my disgusting beard, we can start a conversation and help spread the word,” Silver said.
According to Silver, the primary goal of this “No Shave November” project was to set up a fundraiser immediately in order for Levitas to recognize the hundreds of families thinking about him.
“When he beats it, he is going to know that he had all the support in the world around him,” Silver said.
Sophomore Sabrina Levitas, sister of Brian Levitas, said that her entire family is thrilled with the outcome of “No Shave November.” Sabrina Levitas said she is amazed when she clicks on the fundraising site and watches the numbers continue to rise.
“[My family] thinks it is unreal,” said Sabrina Levitas. “We didn’t think [this fundraiser] would be as successful as it was and still continues to be.”
By documenting the progression of facial hair growth during “No Shave November” through a picture sharing website called Shutterfly, Sabrina Levitas said she believes her brother will be able to see how much people care about him.
“We’re trying to use this as support and make sure that he has a positive outlook to beat this battle,” Sabrina Levitas said.
According to Silver, future fundraisers are in the works. Silver said he is currently planning fundraisers for the Children’s Oncology Services. Through these donations, the Children’s Oncology Services is planning to offer camp experiences and other programs to children with cancer in Brian Levitas’ name.
Ultimately, both Silver and Sabrina Levitas urge people to continue spreading awareness by donating to the various fundraisers in honor of Brian Levitas.
“Love and support goes a long way,” said Silver. “Our motto is ‘Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.’”