The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


Take your chances

Illinois gambling laws prohibit those under 21 from gambling, yet many young adults can bet using online platforms. Below is a Q-and-A focusing on the legality of betting under 21 in Illinois. 

Q: What are the legal implications of illegal sports betting?

A: If an underage person illegally bets, they have criminal exposure. From a commercial standpoint, they can ruin their credit as a young person moving into their adolescence. 

Q: What are the legal implications for betting while being over 18 but under 21?

A: The risk is the same. It is whether the court system would treat an 18-year-old as an adult versus a juvenile. 

Q: What exemptions are there to the Illinois gambling laws?

A: The only exemptions are for things like bingo, when conducted by a nonprofit or when it is conducted online or in person with an entity licensed to take wagers. 

Q: Is it legal to bet on any sporting event?

A: It is illegal for anyone to bet on the outcome of a sporting event or contest unless that contest is otherwise conducted by a licensed entity through the Illinois Gambling Board.

Q: Can someone under the age of 21 open an online betting platform?

A: If someone is underage and they are able to open an online betting platform, then that person has committed fraud. 

About the Contributors
Emma Silshtut, Page Editor
Emma Silshtut (‘25) is a Page Editor, Copy Editor, and Distribution Editor and has been a member of Torch since her sophomore year. Previous Positions: Staff Writer (22-23).
Lexi Tarter, Lifestyle Editor
Lexi Tarter (‘24) is a Lifestyle Editor and has been a member of Torch since her sophomore year. Previous positions: Staff Writer (21-22), Lifestyle Editor (22-23).