Audition changes, martial arts diversifies Variety Show

This year, Glenbrook North’s Variety Show, “Warrior,” is expected to showcase greater diversity in the acts by increasing audition opportunities to encourage participation. Variety Show auditions are scheduled to begin on Nov. 12 from 3:30 to 9 p.m. in the orchestra room.
Annie Jo Ermel, director and choreographer for the Variety Show, said in an email exchange that this will be the first year in which auditions for vocal and dance ensembles will occur before student-led performance auditions. She hopes students who are not cast in ensembles will still take the opportunity to audition for the Variety Show with acts of their own creation. This change was made with the anticipation of drawing in a greater variation of students and larger array of acts.
According to senior Chris Park, the unique theme prompted him to audition with an act that is rarely performed in the Variety Show: martial arts. He wants to showcase something that people may be unfamiliar with and demonstrate what martial arts truly is. Park feels the Variety Show is a way to test his singing abilities as well as his martial arts skills, and it gives him a chance to see where he stands as a performer.
Ermel said she hopes viewers can connect with the theme and understand all of the different aspects of being a warrior.
“I want to focus on the idea that being a warrior is not someone who starts a war, but is a knowledgeable and focused person, passionate about finding peace and understanding in our differences,” said Ermel. “Martial arts requires a great deal of focus, dedication and courage, everything to me that describes a warrior.”