Here’s a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way that have helped me immensely throughout high school. I hope they do the same for you!
1. Go to bed early.
I’ve always been one to go to bed quite early. It’s rare for me to be up past 9:40 p.m. on a weekday, and even during my busiest times I’ve always made rest a priority. Getting enough sleep keeps you energized during your day, and I heard on the radio once that people who sleep more are less likely to be obese. Besides that, sleeping is great. It’s relaxing, enjoyable and an easy way to keep yourself on top of your game. Chances are, any work you’re doing past 11 p.m. isn’t your best, so rank your responsibilities and choose your health over all else.
2. Always carry chapstick.
Chapstick is always useful. As a self proclaimed chapstick addict, you can be sure that I’ll never leave the house without at least one type of lip balm. It keeps your lips moisturized, for one, and in a pinch, chapstick can be used for many different things. Have frizzy flyaways? Rub a little chapstick on your fingers and smooth them down. Are your knuckles dry? Chapstick can substitute as lotion if you really need it for little rough patches. Need an afternoon snack? Lip balm is also nutritious! Just kidding, it’s not, don’t eat it.
3. Keep a water bottle with you at all times
Hydration is very important when you lead a busy and active life. It keeps you refreshed, provides countless health benefits, and when you’re really bored in class you can always head down to the water fountain to fill up your water bottle for a little break. Instead of using disposable bottles, make an investment in a nice reusable one and keep it with you during the day for whenever you need a sip. Another added plus? Water’s free! That should save you some money when you’re in the cafeteria or out for open lunch. It doesn’t hurt keeping countless disposable bottles out of landfills, either.
4. Be reasonably healthy
This is a key step to being the best you can be. If you’re not getting exercise or eating right, you’ll feel the effects in many other arenas of your life. However, being healthy doesn’t mean you have to be an Olympic athlete or even an athlete at all. Really, all you have to do to keep your body in shape is stay active doing whatever makes you happy and try to eat healthy foods the majority of the time. As long as you’re mostly on top of things, you don’t have to worry about eating Chinese food or that extra scoop of ice cream when you get a taste for it.
5. Stay classy
Being classy isn’t all that hard. Just think smart, stay calm and be yourself. Classiness is more a way of life than a quality one possesses, so it takes some practice to get what it’s all about. It’s not about how you dress, where you come from or who your friends are. It’s a way you carry yourself, a pervasively positive attitude that is accompanied by a healthy dose of confidence. When you live your life in a classy way, you stay true to who you are, and that’s something we can all strive for.