Editorial: Someone will get hurt


Students walk through traffic on Shermer Road to reach the other side of the street (top). A car parks on a “DO NOT ENTER” section of the science lot, obstructing part of the exit (bottom). Photos by Kate Leverenz and Abby Shapiro

Torch reporters and photographers observed the parking lots and roads surrounding the school for approximately two weeks in November. Listed below are some dangerous behaviors in the Glenbrook North parking lots and surrounding roads, most of which were observed during this time frame. The areas are incredibly dangerous because of these reckless behaviors, and if this is not stopped, somebody will be seriously injured.  

1. Students walk around cars that are driving on Shermer Road after school. Some students stop in the middle of Shermer Road to wait for gaps between cars in the northbound lanes before they finish crossing. 

2. Students drive over the median in the science lot, their cars bouncing up and down over the curb. Those waiting to be picked up by parents on the median are at risk of being hit by these cars.

3. Drivers speed through parking lots before and after school. Both pedestrians and drivers are at risk of being hit.

4. Drivers park on the road along the northern parking lots after school. People who drive down this road to reach Second Street or Shermer Road must swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid these parked cars.

5. Drivers wait in the crossed-off spaces in the lot to pick up students after school. When students get into these cars, the drivers cut off other drivers in line and quickly exit.  

6. While looking down at their phones before and after school, drivers waiting in line accelerate forward without looking up. Pedestrians, bicyclists and other cars are at risk of being hit by these distracted drivers. 

Students and parents are deliberately breaking the rules of the road. Parents should drop off and pick up their children at the designated pick-up and drop-off locations, and everyone must navigate the lots and surrounding areas in a safe manner. Even though safely driving on school property may add a few more minutes to pick-up times, increase drop-off times or may cause students to be late to class, it can prevent serious injury.