At the team’s meet against Libertyville, co-captain Kevin Shahnazi honored his coach’s girlfriend.
Following his team’s suggestion, Shahnazi dedicated his vault to Head Coach Ryan Dul’s girlfriend. According to Dul, it was the funniest thing that has happened this season.
“He stuck the landing perfectly,” said Dul. “It was great because no one else was landing their vaults.”
Aside from Shahnazi’s individual performance, the team has been winning decisively, according to Dul.
As of April 8, Shahnazi said the team is off to a 4-0 start. Lead by Dul, the Spartans have had victories over Niles West High School, Highland Park High School, Deerfield High School and a second place finish in an 18-team Niles West Invite.
While last year GBN finished sixth in state, co-captain Nate Elfant believes that it can finish top five this year.
“We’ve already hit last year’s season highs, and it’s only the beginning of the season,” Elfant said.
According to Dul, Glenbrook South is the team’s toughest rival in conference. The team is scheduled to face GBS on April 16 at home.
The individual performance of junior Philip Morreale has impressed both Dul and his teammates. Out of the six events, Morreale competes in floor, pommel horse and vault. Due to an injury, he is not currently competing in high bar and parallel bars.
“[Morreale] is scoring really, really well,” said Dul. “He is, like, state qualifying potential.”
In order for GBN to be one of the eight teams that make it to state, the team must either win its sectional meet or have one of the next three highest scores in the entire state of Illinois.
The team does not plan to walk away from this season empty handed.