Science Resource Center provides tutors for students
Photo by Chloe Carroll
After all of its computers were deemed obsolete and removed, the Science Department met to decide what to do with the empty computer lab room. The department opted to make a Science Resource Center, also known as the SRC.
According to Mary Rockrohr, instructional supervisor for science, the SRC has teachers of various science subjects scheduled to be available during all blocks to tutor students. The teacher schedule is posted on a board near the door of the Room B111.
“We were waiting until [the SRC] fit into the building projects and the budget to redo the room, and that just happened [to be] this summer,” Rockrohr said.
The center was modeled after the IDEA with whiteboards on the walls, and teachers wanted the room to be comfortable and inviting, according to Rockrohr. There are many different seating arrangements, such as small square and round ottomans, counter-height seating and a lounge chair area with a coffee table.
Junior Danny Brodson said he spends a lot of his free time in the SRC, and because it is connected to the science offices, it is easy to find needed teachers.
According to science teacher Jean Witty, there is less student traffic in the science offices because students work with teachers in the SRC.
“In the past, students would just come to the science department office and find us at our desks,” said Witty. “We would work in sort of a cramped and smaller space.”
Rockrohr said one benefit of the SRC is that students do not have to feel as if they are pulling a teacher from their work because the teachers in the SRC are waiting to help them.
Witty said she expects the science department to start discussing other programs that could occur in the room such as a student-tutor program.
“It’s just nice since all the other academic areas have a resource center that we have a space now where groups of students can spread out and get some work done,” Rockrohr said.