80-year-old graduates high school
In many ways, I embody the characteristics of a senior citizen more than a senior in high school: I love HGTV, I knit all the time, and I dream of retirement. But wait — one of these is not like the rest. Knitting is not just for old people. My friend Lizzy and I proved that stereotype false when we created the Knitting Club at Glenbrook North. Every Wednesday morning, a group of students and teachers meet in the library to knit items that are later donated to Matanya’s Hope charity.
The club would not exist if Lizzy and I did not step out of our comfort zones to pursue something we are passionate about. Knitting is not a typical teenage hobby, and I was perfectly fine with the possibility of being laughed at for creating the club. But crazily enough, that did not happen. Instead, people commended us and asked if they could join. Knitting Club brought together so many people who I would have never met if it was not for our shared, quirky interest.
I am often stunned by how GBN students are so afraid to be different. Many people avoid dressing up for spirit days because of their fear of standing out, and I could not believe how many people did not wear pajamas on pajama day — it is hands down the best and most comfortable spirit day. For those who are scared of being different, I have some news for you: after these four years, it is very likely you will not see your classmates again. Confidence comes with time, but those who feel good about themselves are not afraid of what others think of them.
If I had let the fear of snide remarks keep me from starting Knitting Club, it would have never been created, I would not have learned about Matanya’s Hope and my Wednesday mornings would be a lot more dull. There is an infinite number of cheesy lines I could write, but I will end with this one: if you are not being yourself, you are wasting your time.
And start wearing pajamas on pajama day.