You’re never too safe

While placing  my bag in my car  after school one day,  I glanced through the sealed window of a nearby car and, to my absolute shock, saw riches. Multiple $20 bills were scattered on the passenger seat. My curiosity got the best of me, and I leaned in to take a closer look. Directly next to the cash, I saw a designer clutch staring back at me with a gift card poking out.

Although the windows were up, I couldn’t help but to think about how susceptible the person was to theft. One hit to the glass and the belongings would be gone.

I was stunned by the trust this owner had in the students of Glenbrook North. I wondered if everyone around me was this unknowingly vulnerable.

Although GBN is a relatively safe community, terrible incidents like theft and vandalism happen anywhere and everywhere. It’s unrealistic to go through life unaware and assured everything will go your way.

The number of students I see who refuse to secure their backpacks during gym infuriates me. Are the hundreds of dollars of electronics and other valuables really not worth the ten seconds it would take to open your lock?

Of course, nothing is fully preventable, but taking simple precautions like securing your valuables from public view and locking your items is a step in the right direction.

Our community seems to view Northbrook as a safe haven where hardly anything terrible ever happens. You never think it could happen to you. Until it does.