The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


March Mania

With the arrival of March comes one of the most exciting times of year for sports fans. The NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship, also more commonly known as March Madness, allows for people to fill out brackets and predict the winners of each game. While most people fill out their brackets based on stats, scores, players, rankings and analysis, there is a large population that really does not follow college basketball. In order to join in on the madness of March, the people fill out brackets, despite having limited sports knowledge. But this isn’t March Madness, it’s March Mania! A mock bracket was created with the winners of each matchup in the mock bracket were chosen based on one category, different for each region, in an effort to create the most exciting bracket possible. Please remember that all of the colleges in the “Mascot” region are, in fact, actual schools and may not be good at actual basketball.

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 3.34.40 PMRULES / NOTES:

1. College must be eligible for the NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship (this rule caused the Scottsdale Fighting Artichokes and the UC Santa Cruz Banana Slugs to forfeit their entry)

2. If a school was able to qualify for more than one category, it was slotted in the category in which it would have the best chance to win

3. Seeding was determined entirely based on personal bias, so don’t cry about your favorite school being a low seed

4. Seeding was completely unnecessary and only included for the enjoyable purpose of having “Cinderellas” advance to the Final Four

5. The Final Four and championship matchup was determined based on a combination of all four categories, with an emphasis on the category in which it won

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Click to enlarge.