The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


The official site of the Torch, the student-run newspaper at Glenbrook North High School.


Paraprofile: Helen Catsaros

Q: What did you do before you began working at GBN?

HelenHelenA: I worked at American Airlines as a flight administrator in the offices at the airport. I was there for 11 years and retired from there. Then I decided I should probably do something around the neighborhood and I ended up here. I’ve been at GBN for 12 years now.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working as a paraprofessional?

A: The students. There is always something going on, whether it be sports or plays or just hearing [students] talk about going to college.

Q: How do you think the kids have changed at GBN over the years?

A: The phones, everybody is on the phones texting. Well we didn’t have that when I first started, and a few years back, we weren’t allowed to have that stuff. Also, the chromebooks. A lot of technology changes.

Q: What is one experience at GBN that has made an impact on your life?

A: It’s maybe double emotional, but when my husband passed away, the outpouring and kindness that came from students and staff and all of the beautiful cards and posters. It was very heartfelt. It was just so kind.

Q: What is something most students don’t know about you?

A: I like sports. I love football. I’m a season ticket holder for the Chicago Bears. Funny story is my husband would come in the house on a Monday night and he’d go, “Aren’t you watching the game?” So I would turn it on and he would get tired and fall asleep and I would stay up and watch until the game ended!

Q: What is one thing on your bucket list?

A: I’d like to see the [Great] Wall of China. I find it cool. Just the idea that they say from space you can see it, it must be massive.

Q: What is your most embarrassing moment?

A: I went to Ulta during my lunch hour, and I left my keys in my car, with the car running. So I locked myself out plus my phone was in the car. So I had to go back in the store and ask to use their phone to call one of my neighbors who had my spare keys. It was so embarrassing.

Q: If you could give one piece of advice to a student at GBN, what would it be?

A: Try your best but enjoy life too. Just be a good, kind person.